The waitlist is open, please email for information
The waitlist is open, please email for information
Utha Monterini came to us from Ukraine at 6 months old. She was born February 27 2017. She is a very sweet and gentle all white girl with a long body, legs and tail. She is very fluffy and beautiful! She is my dearest kitty companion and she likes to talk to me about everything. Utha has very big ears with fantastic tips, she has green/gold eyes and a cotton ball tail and bloomers. Utha loves to run in the grass, chase feather toys, walk in water puddles and play with her kittens.
Alwaro Shade came to us from Poland at 4 months old. She was born June 26 2017. She is a kind and gentle girl with a solid body, gold eyes, and silver shaded markings. Shade is playful especially with other kitties, loves to sprawl out anywhere, eat pretty much anything, and chase bugs in the grass. This sweet girl is a natural loving mother- always tending to everyone's kittens (and mommas) and making sure everyone is clean. Shades favorite things are food, tinfoil balls and water bowls where she can paddle. Shades babies have been very beautiful, gentle and with kind temperaments.
Legendarium Rosomaha came to us from Russia at 4 months old. She was born May 30 2019. She is a sweet and silly girl with a slender body, gold eyes, and black and silver coat. Rosomaha is independent, inquisitive, affectionate, stealthy and fox like. She loves attention and to make eye contact, she is extremely soft! Rosomaha is playful and loves the companionship of her human and kitty family. Rosa retired 11/2023
Taisiya Star Ark came to us from Russia at 4 months old. She was born April 19 2020. She is a delightful, cheerful and happy girl with a gorgeous structure, big green eyes, and thick silky full coat. Tai is attentive, affectionate, supple and compliant with her "happy to be here" personality. She is trusting and loving and very much like a ragdoll. Retired 02/24
Cricket came to us from Kansas City Missouri
Crickets genetic testing was completed through the Wisdom Panel for the full breeding panel for MCO
Her results are N/N (NEGATIVE)
HCM is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a heart disease that can be found in some Maine Coon cats. Cricket has recently had a Feline Echocardiogram 2023. This exam found no abnormalities, her heart is normal.
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